June-July 2013 – P1D3

This issue comes with four main topics –
– traipura siddhAntham
– tAntrika sandhyAvandanam
– shrI nagara vimarshanam and related AvaraNams
– patishad rudra meditation
I am delighted mention that we have been fortunate to receive the article written by Shri. G. Subramaniam (vRishabhAnandanAthA) (grandson of ShrI ChidAnandanAthA, son of Shri pUrNAnandanAthA, and disciple of Shri yOgAnandanAtha [Injikollai KunjithapAdam iyer] ). He has been kind enough to provide the article on the very important topic – Traipura siddhAnthA. He has written it in a very simple language, easy enough for even a beginner to understand and contemplate.

One of the nityanushtana krama of every shrividya upasaka is the tantrika
sandhyavandana. I am sure most of us are aware of such a thing in existence and several senior upasakas would have had this krama as part of their routine. However, in the current generation, atleast based on my interactions with the upasakas, I feel that this procedure is either ignored or forgotten. When I asked around for the reason for not following the tantrika sandhya, the common response I get is that it is complicated or unclear. Hence, it was decided to include the tantrika sandhya procedure (as in SrividyA nithyAhnikam written by Sri ChidAnandanAtha.) in this issue by breaking it up into small steps with detailed instructions in English to help Upasakas to follow it. Once taken into a daily routine, this tantrika sandhya krama should not take more than 5 minutes. I hope this would help the upasakas to perform this nithya anushtana and bring this into their daily routine.

One of the greatness of the shrIvidyA path is its universal acceptance – does not differentiate between the varnAs, caste, or gender. Everyone is eligible to enter into this path and merge with Lalitha MahAtripurasundari. Now, for those people who are part of a varnAsramA or gender that does not prescribe a sandhyAvandana kramA, they all are eligible to and should perform tantrika sandhyavandana and give arghyA to not only LalithAmbA but also the the pratyasha dEvatA – SUryA. Those who are part of those varnAshrama that prescribes a sandhyavandana in their daily routine, should perform that vaidhika nithya anushtana but also include tantrika sandhyA vandanA as part of their routine.

TAntrika sandhyA is performed four times during a 24 hour perio d – PrAtha sandhyA -Morning (Just before Sunrise), MAdhyAnika SandhyA – Noon (When the sun it on the top of the head), SAyam SandhyA – Evening (During Sunset), and Turiya SandhyA – Midnight.

Pratha SandhyA, Madhyanika SandhyA, and SAyam SandhyA use the panchadashi
mantra for giving tarpana to MahAtripurasundari. In the text provided, the kAdi vidhya mantra has been used. If a person belongs to the hAdi vidhya or sAdi vidhya, those mantras should be used for giving tarpana to Mahatripurasundari.

In the case of turiya SandhyA, the tarpana mantra will be the same for all upAsaka regardless of their paramparA. However, the kadi vidya kUtas in the gayathri mantras should be replaced by their relevant hAdi or sAdi vidya kUtas for the arghya mantrA.

Those upAsakAs who have received the turiya vidhyA mantra from their Guru can
perform the Turiya sandhyA. If in doubt, please check with your Guru prior to performing the Turiya SandhyAvandanA.

Please note: The purvAnga krama and upastha krama are common for all the four
sandhyA vandanAs. Hence they are just listed once. However, purvAnga kramA
should be done BEFORE the sandhyAvandanA and the upasthAna kramA should
be AFTER the sandhyavandana.

It is very important for each of the shrividyA upAsakA to read lalitOpAkhyAnA atleast once to understand and contemplate on how and why lalitAmbA appeared and the tatva behind the battle with bhaNDAsura and his army. After the killing of bhanDAsurA, the dEvAs praise the empress with lalitA stuti (this is included in this issue) and build palaces for her to rule from. These palaces have multiple layers(forts) and each of them are guarded by dEvatAs and those dEvatAs have anga and upAnga dEvatAs and AvaraNAs as well. In this issue, a very high level description of the shrInagara is included and the AvaraNa’s for mahAkAlA, vasantaRutunAthA, and mahArudrA are produced.

Shri. Ramesh Kutticad (AtmAnandanAthA) has been kind enough to share an excellent article on patishad rudrA meditation and this gem of an article is a proof on how lalitAmbA is revealing Herself through the words of AtmAnandanAthA. He has also answered several questions received by us from the upAsakavRundhA.

The photos included in the first page of this issue are the mUla vigrahAs of the lalitA shakti pITam in prayAg. SatI’s fingers fell at this place. The primary temple is supposed to be at MiyApur. However, there is another temple called KalyAni mandir which is also claiming that it is the true shakti pIth. Hence, it is suggested to visit both temples to avoid this confusion.The top photo is from the lalitA mandir in miyApur and the bottom photo is from the kalyAni mandir. The interesting thing about the lalitA mandir is that there are about 116 mEru’s in that temple and puJas and abhishEkas are done to all of them on parvA days (see picture below). It is a true treat to witness that.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my Gurupatni
AnandAmbA (Smt Geetha Shivakumar), Shri AtmAnandanAthA (Ramesh
Kutticad), and my father Shri. Elandai. S. Ramasami for taking the time and
performing the tedious work of proof reading this magazine. It is because of them, several spell errors and procedural errors have been eliminated in this issue and this emagazine has come out to be a worthwhile edition that can be used by the UpAsakA community.

Lalithai vEdam sarvam.

Click here to download


Author: purna_admin

5 thoughts on “June-July 2013 – P1D3

  1. Namaskaram
    Sri Matre Namah
    I am a Srividya upasaka from Bhaskara prakasha Ashram (Suttamalli parampara).

    1. How do I subscribe to your Blog
    2. Are we allowed to download the pdf (for personal use only), I am looking to Varahi avaranam for the upcoming Navaratri.


    Sai Ganesh Hariharan
    +1 832 706 7111

    1. Dear Sai Ganesh,

      Here are the answers:

      1. You can simply enter your email address in the site and Subscribe. This way, whenever a new content is added to the site, you will be notified.
      2. You can click on the Index Menu and search for Varahi and you can find the Varahi related contents in the site. Since you are looking to download for your personal use, I suggest you download P6D6 issue.

      Wish you a blissful Navarathri

      Sri Raghavan

  2. ஸ்ரீ குருப்யோநம: ஸ்ரீ மாத்ரே நமஹ
    ஸ்ரீ வித்யோபாஸகர்களுக்கு எனது ஆத்ம நமஸ்காரங்கள்!! தேவீக்கும், ஸ்ரீ வித்யோபாஸகர்களுக்கும் நீங்கள் ஆற்றும் தொண்டு பாராட்டதக்கது!! இருப்பினும் இடும் இடுகைகள் தமிழில் இருந்தால் ஸம்ஸ்க்ருதம் அறியாதவர்களும் தேவீயின் யஜனம் செய்ய ஹேதுவாக இருக்கும்!!

    ஸ்ரீ குருப்யோநம ஸ்ரீ மாத்ரே நமஹ

    1. I completely understand the need. That said, please understand that this is a voluntary one person effort on top of the daily work routines, anuShTAnams etc. It is only by the GurumanDalam’s Grace the monthly releases are possible. We are slowly trying to integrate multilingual feature for all the mantrAs and AvaraNas that are listed in the main website. The PL however will only remain as a Sanskrit magazine.

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