January – February 2018 P5D12


With the grace of the Guru, we have brought out a detailed compilation of mAtangi mantras and Avaranas in this issue for the benefit of the upAsakAs. This issue is enough to follow during the entire mAtangi navarAtra dinAs. This issue covers the various mAtangIs that ought to be worshipped during the 9 days of mAgha navarAthri. The procedure is as follows:

Day 1 – laghu shyAmalA
Day 2 – vAgvAdinI
Day 3 – nakulI vAghIshvari
Day 4 – kalyANa mAtangi
Day 5 – jagaranjini mAtangi
Day 6 – vashya mAtangi
Day 7 – shArikA shyAmalA
Day 8 – shuka shyAmalA
Day 9 – rAja mAtangI

Each day, the mantra japA for the corresponding mAtangi is performed followed by the Avarana pUjA karma – either in the shri cakrA or in mAtangi cakrA.

Note: hasanti mantra japa (10% of the main mantra) is required every day as a vighna nivAraNa.
On the 9th day, after completing the rajA mAtangi AvaraNa pUjA karma, mAtangi bali is given (also included at the end).

There are other mAtangi mantras that are chanted during the navarAtrAs (in no specific order) and they are also included at the end for upAsakAs benefit.

The ashtOttaram, sahasranAmam, kavacam, hRudayam of rAja mAtangi is not included in this issue and will be included in future issues.

Wishing all the upAsakAs a blissful mAtangi navarAthri.

Lalithai vEdam sarvam.

Click here to download


Author: purna_admin

8 thoughts on “January – February 2018 P5D12

  1. sir
    please give a pdf formet download link to all books .so that we can take print and use during pujan and upasana .many upasaka’s will get benfit by this download link or can you mail me pdf formet of all books to my mail id – arun.arivand@gmail.com.

  2. Please provide PDF format of all the invaluable issues so that we can take prints for my upasana, which I’m doing over the last 3 decades, as I’m aged 75 years & continue my spiritual journey. My e-mail ID : drbusingh@gmail.com
    With humble regards

    1. It takes a lot of effort for us to get these in different languages. We are trying to get mantra japa and avarana kramas of the primary ShrividhyA dEvatAs in multiple languages. Hopefully it will be done in 2020.

      1. Sir, Were you able to finish this divine work in multiple languages ? Please advice. I am interested in Telugu language.

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